Sunday, May 1, 2011


Quotes by me :

" We Dream the life with open eyes...that`s the reason of having Nightmares. "

"We can dream...We can do them...We can destroy them...We do whatever we want with them...but We can`t return them."

"Dreaming is a serious illness...we never recover from it"

"Dreaming makes us his prisoners,we can`t escape from it."

"Dreaming isn`t real,is just our imagination...but it depends on us if we realize them."

Poem by me :

Dream as a Sun
by Ingrid

Dreams,are like the Sun.
They just appear from the unknown.
And disappear in the ocean.
They feel the dead quickly.

Before we know,
It reaches life again
And sparks the day,
again and again.

But when we see it.
We are dazzled by it.
We see the beauty,the magic,
What keeps it alive.

It`s impossible not seeing it,
While is coloring the sky orange.
The power that it keeps her alive,
and the vital spark what`s in it.

The Dream is the key for the Happiness,
And so the happiness it`s our life,
Because the sun is like a human Life.
When it rises up it has a sparkle.

And while the sun goes down,
It represents how fast passes the life.
And when the sun set down,
The life doesn`t sparkle out.

1 comment:

  1. Ez is nagyon szép.Le a kalappal igy tovább! Álom vers.
